Stroyer Brother's Auto Body & Painting

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Get Your Car Ready For Night Driving

Fall is here and days are getting shorter. If you are not already commuting before the sun is up or after it is down, you will soon.

Night driving is more stressful and leads to more accidents but there are a few things you can do to make driving safer at night.

How to get your car ready for night driving:


Are they foggy? Foggy headlights diffuse the light and reduce your visibility increasing the risk of accident. Dim headlights lights make your car harder to see in the dark or in the rain also increasing the risk of accident. Remember be seen is just as important and seeing.

Check your light bulbs, are they burned or about to, also check your blinker, back up and brake lights bulbs


I know, in Southern California we don’t get to use our wipers that often and one might think if I don’t use them they don’t wear our and I don’t need to change them. You could not be more wrong, true we do not get much rain for most of the year but the rubber bakes on your windshield in temperatures exceeding 120 degrees. You should change them twice a year, at least.

Keeping your windshield wipers in tip top shape will help you keep your windshield clean


Is it full. In Southern California we usually get light rain, especially at the beginning of the rain season, the light rain might not be enough to wash off the dust on your windshield but will surely be enough to make a mess.


Check for cracks and chips,

With the higher difference in temperatures between the inside and outside, chips will become cracks and cracks will get worse.

Clean your windshield and windows inside and outside.

There is nothing worse than a dirty windshield and they are more likely to fog up, reduce your visibility and increase glare.


Tire thread:

A major cause of accident in the rain and we all know how bad it gets in Southern California even with light rain, are bald tires. Worn out tire have less traction, they are prone to hydroplaning causing you to lose control of the vehicle and crash. Check your tires before the rain season. You can use a number of method, if you are not sure, go to a tire store and ask them to check your tires

Tire pressure:

Check your tire pressure regularly, don’t over or under inflate, the correct pressure will keep you safe and make your tire last longer


Today’s batteries last around 4 years, anything longer is a bonus. the last thing you want is being stuck in a parking lot or on the side of the road in the rain with a dead battery

Check your cables and connections for signs of corrosion, check for cracks in the case or the cover.


Check your brake pads, disks or drums for excessive wear that could lead for uneven braking and increased risk of accident